Applied Satellites

Applied SatellitesApplied Satellites
  1. Based on the successful development of applied satellites , the stage of advanced manned space flight will come soon in China .


  2. The study of interferences from celestial bodies and solutions for the infrared earth sensor applied in satellites


  3. JPEG-LS ( Joint Photographic Experts Group – Lossless ) is an ISO / ITU-T standard for continuous-tone still images lossless compression , which is mainly applied in satellites , medical , biology and other fields , such as wireless capsule endoscope for improving the diagnostic accuracy of Gastrointestinal disease .


  4. Carbon fiber reinforced plastics have been widely applied in artificial satellites , high-performance aircraft and so on as one material used in aviation and aerospace .


  5. This method can be generally applied to earth observatory satellites and be used in designing of its orbit .
